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  • Body mass index in long-term adult survivors of childhood cancer: A Report of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 103(8):1730-9

    Author(s): Meacham LR, Gurney JG, Mertens AC, Ness KK, Sklar CA, Robison LL, Oeffinger KC.

    Journal: Cancer

  • The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study: A resource for research of long-term outcomes among adult survivors of childhood cancer.


    Citation: 88(4):45-9

    Author(s): Robison LL.

    Journal: Minn Med

  • Limitations on physical performance and daily activities among long-term survivors of childhood cancer.


    Citation: 143(9):639-47

    Author(s): Ness KK, Mertens AC, Hudson MM, Wall MM, Leisenring WM, Oeffinger KC, Sklar CA, Robison LL, Gurney JG.

    Journal: Ann Intern Med

  • Long-term outcomes of adult survivors of childhood cancer.


    Citation: 104(11 Suppl):2557-64

    Author(s): Robison LL, Green DM, Hudson M, Meadows AT, Mertens AC, Packer RJ, Sklar CA, Strong LC, Yasui Y, Zeltzer LK.

    Journal: Cancer

  • Nonmelanoma skin cancer in survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 23(16):3733-41

    Author(s): Perkins JL, Liu Y, Mitby PA, Neglia JP, Hammond S, Stovall M, Meadows AT, Hutchinson R, Dreyer ZE, Robison LL, Mertens AC.

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Stroke as a late treatment effect of Hodgkin's disease: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 23(27):6508-15

    Author(s): Bowers DC, McNeil DE, Liu Y, Yasui Y, Stovall M, Gurney JG, Hudson MM, Donaldson SS, Packer RJ, Mitby PA, Kasper CE, Robison LL, Oeffinger KC.

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Function and quality-of-life of survivors of pelvic and lower extremity osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma: The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 91(11):1858-65

    Author(s): Nagarajan R, Clohisy DR, Neglia JP, Yasui Y, Mitby PA, Sklar C, Finklestein JZ, Greenberg M, Reaman GH, Zeltzer L, Robison LL.

    Journal: Br J Cancer

  • Breast cancer after childhood cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 141(8):590-7

    Author(s): Kenney LB, Yasui Y, Inskip PD, Hammond S, Neglia JP, Mertens AC, Meadows AT, Friedman D, Robison LL, Diller L.

    Journal: Ann Intern Med

  • Health care of young adult survivors of childhood cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 2(1):61-70

    Author(s): Oeffinger KC, Mertens AC, Hudson MM, Gurney JG, Casillas J, Chen H, Whitton J, Yeazel M, Yasui Y, Robison LL.

    Journal: Ann Fam Med

  • An examination of the dental utilization practices of adult survivors of childhood cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 64(1):50-4

    Author(s): Yeazel MW, Gurney JG, Oeffinger KC, Mitby PA, Mertens AC, Hudson MM, Robison LL.

    Journal: J Public Health Dent

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