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  • Ovarian failure and reproductive outcomes after childhood cancer treatment: Results from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 27(14): 2374-81

    Author(s): Green DM, Sklar CA, Boice JD Jr, Mulvihill JJ, Whitton JA, Stovall M, Yasui Y.

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Behaviors associated with ultraviolet radiation exposure in a cohort of adult survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 115(18 Suppl):4374-84

    Author(s): Buchanan N, Leisenring W, Mitby PA, Meadows AT, Robison LL, Hudson MM, Mertens AC.

    Journal: Cancer

  • Chronic disease in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study cohort: A review of published findings


    Citation: 27(14): 2339-55

    Author(s): Diller L, Chow EJ, Gurney JG, Hudson MM, Kadan-Lottick NS, Kawashima TI, Leisenring WM, Meacham LR, Mertens AC, Mulrooney DA, Oeffinger KC, Packer RJ, Robison LL, Sklar CA.

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Risk of thyroid dysfunction and subsequent thyroid cancer among survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 53(3):432-7

    Author(s): Chow EJ, Friedman DL, Stovall M, Yasui Y, Whitton JA, Robison LL, Sklar CA.

    Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer

  • Predictors of marriage and divorce in adult survivors of childhood cancers: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 18(10):2626-35

    Author(s): Janson C, Leisenring W, Cox C, Termuhlen AM, Mertens AC, Whitton JA, Goodman P, Zeltzer L, Robison LL, Krull KR, Kadan-Lottick NS.

    Journal: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev

  • Promoting physical activity in childhood cancer survivors: Results from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 115(3):642-54

    Author(s): Cox CL, Montgomery M, Oeffinger KC, Leisenring W, Zeltzer L, Whitton JA, Mertens AC, Hudson MM, Robison LL.

    Journal: Cancer

  • Long-term outcomes in survivors of Neuroblastoma: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 101(16):1131-40

    Author(s): Laverdiere C, Liu Q, Yasui Y, Nathan PC, Gurney JG, Stovall M, Diller LR, Cheung NK, Wolden S, Robison LL, Sklar CA.

    Journal: J Natl Cancer Inst

  • Assessment of selection bias in clinic-based populations of childhood cancer survivors: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 52(3):379-86

    Author(s): Ness KK, Leisenring W, Goodman P, Kawashima T, Mertens AC, Oeffinger KC, Armstrong GT, Robison LL.

    Journal: Pediatr Blood Cancer

  • Long-Term Smoking Cessation Outcomes Among Childhood Cancer Survivors in The Partnership for Health Study.


    Citation: 27(1):52-60

    Author(s): Emmons KM, Puleo E, Mertens A, Gritz ER, Diller L, Li FP.

    Journal: J Clin Oncol

  • Determinants of mammography screening participation in adult childhood cancer survivors: Results from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.


    Citation: 36(3):335-344

    Author(s): Cox CL, Oeffinger KC, Montgomery M, Hudson MM, Mertens AC, Whitton J, Robison LL.

    Journal: Oncol Nurs Forum

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